MKH Business Limited

Looking to develop your business?

  • Are you looking to increase your turnover?
  • Would you like to make more profit?
  • Do you need to ease your cash flow worries?
  • Are you looking to develop your management team?
  • Do you require assistance in writing/submitting a bid proposal?
  • Are you looking for technical representation and/or agents in the UK and Europe?
  • Are you looking for assistance in setting up your business (or a division of your business) in the UK?
  • Would you like assistance in sourcing suppliers in the UK and Europe?
  • Would you like representation at Exhibitions and Conferences?

Looking to develop yourself personally ?

  • Are you stuck in a rut and feel like you are not getting the best out of your life?
  • Would you like to reach your full potential ?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, please take a look around our website. We look forward to the opportunity of helping you solve your problems.

Company Overview

MKH Business limited provides Inspirational Support for your Business. Your individually tailored Support may include elements of the following:

  • Business Diagnostics
  • Business Development Support
  • Management Consultancy
  • Management Development Support
  • Assistance in writing/submitting bid proposals
  • Technical Representation and Sales Support to Overseas Companies supplying Companies based in the United Kingdom.
  • Assistance to Companies setting up their operations in the United Kingdom
  • Assistance in sourcing suppliers in the UK and Europe

MKH Business Limited would also welcome enquiries from Principles looking for Agents to represent them in the United Kingdom

Company Background

MKH Business Limited was founded in November 2005, to provide a broad range of Inspirational Business Support to aspiring Client Companies. Martin Hyman, the Company’s Managing Director, is a highly motivated, degree educated, Director/Executive, with circa 30 years experience in an Industry subject to constant Technical Change and Rapid Globalisation.

WiMHth strong commercial awareness together with the ability to communicate, negotiate and lead, motivate and develop staff to meet tight timescales, Martin’s experience to date has been gained, working for a global Aerospace Sector OEM, a Freight Airline and operating in Business Support. Martin’s various roles have seen him Managing, Directing and Developing, Design (Certification), Manpower, Logistics and Facilities elements within multi-site Businesses, through periods of internal organisational restructuring and helping a significant number of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of varying shapes and sizes to achieve realistic and sustainable business improvement.

In launching MKH Business Limited, Martin with the help of an experienced range of associates, aims to build a strong Team that can deliver a broad range of Inspirational Business Support to Companies of all shapes and sizes.

Martin was also one of the specialist Business Advisers, appointed by the North West Development Agency (in March 1993) to deliver support as a Regional Business Adviser, on a five year Programme, within a range of industries considered to be of strategic importance to the North West of England. This ground breaking initiative generated £511 million in new and safeguarded sales and impacted on 7,300 jobs. The programme was part funded by the European Commission under its Regional Development Fund (Objective 2).

Martin’s credo is …

“How can I help you today, which will allow your company to perform in the most authentic way, achieving the best results”.



Please navigate you way around our site, by clicking on the Buttons at the top, to ascertain how we may be able to assist your Company in its Business Development, in its Management Development, with Technical Support, Marketing & Sales, with Agency Support or in the Setting up of your UK Operations; or to find out how we we may be able to assist you personally, to help you to reach your maximum potential.

Contact Us

 Contact Information


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The Head Office of MKH Business Limited is in Manchester, England.

Please Contact us with your enquiries by completing the form above, or via e-mail, Telephone, or Mobile (Cell):-

email:- martin; or email:- karen for LIfe Coaching enquiries.

Tel: +44 (0)161 959 0124

Mobile (Cell) Number: +44 (0)7966 146386